About Us

who we are

A boutique law firm that focuses on you. With over 30 years experience in injury law we know what we do best. We are fierce advocates for our client's right to justice.


what we do

get justice.
get answers.
make our country safer.

We help people who have been injured in large truck or bus crash get justice. Justice most often means compensation for the harm and losses from the crash , but that’s not all justice can mean. We help people get answers.  Answers to questions like:  Why did this happen?  How can it be prevented so it doesn’t happen to someone else?   We have found that getting to the root cause not only provides answers for our clients, it also forces the wrongdoers to be held accountable. When large corporations are held responsible they make system changes to prevent reoccurrence.

every one of these deaths and injuries are preventable

It takes just one exhausted truck driver to change your life in an instant. Trucks weigh 20-30 times more than a passenger car, and this seriously amplifies the impact and consequences of an accident. Call now.

why we do it

TO make OUR COUNTRY safer.

There are over 5,000 people killed by a large truck or bus in the USA every year. This is up 31% in the last ten years. Everyone of these death or injuries are preventable. our goal is to make our highway roads safer for all of us. We know that most of these large truck and bus companies would not make the necessary change to be safer without of us holding them accountable.

how we do it

After a serious crash your life will be upended.  It’s important to consult with us right away so that we can preserve your rights to let you focus on healing. Depending on     the type of claim (personal injury, wrongful death, etc.) a lawsuit must be filed within the state’s statute of limitations Evidence may be removed or repaired and video taped over, making it more difficult to prove liability. Witness accounts are more accurate when interviewed immediately after the accident. You may not be able to work, and your lack of income, combined with medical bills, can be extremely stressful. Documenting from the onset of your crash is imperative to the case It may take several months before the court has an opening for your case. Immediately after we decide to work together, we begin to gather evidence, file a claim, and protect your rights from the moment you become a client.
